Thank you for being part of WDMA's network of manufacturers of windows, exterior doors, and skylights; architectural door manufacturers; suppliers to the industry; and professionals including specifiers, builders, contractors, and architects across the United States and Canada.

As a member, there are many available resources to you and your company - from guidance resource sheets and news from our Advocacy team to the various industry e-newsletters sent to members each week.     

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WDMA 2024 Year in Review

WDMA’s efforts to strengthen the voice of our organization and advocate on important issues have positioned us to persevere for our members over the past year – especially in times of shifting uncertainties. Staying the course for WDMA has meant continuing to invest in the advocacy, outreach and programs of for our members. Throughout the year, WDMA engages in many activities to serve its membership and advance, protect and promote the window, door and skylight industry.

  1.  Public Policy Advocacy: Strengthen and magnify the growing influence and effectiveness of WDMA as the recognized industry expert in those key policy-making arenas impacting the manufacture and use of windows, doors, and skylights.
  2. Industry Promotion: Advance and elevate the perceived value of high performance and high-quality windows, doors, and skylights to key target audiences.
  3. Membership Growth and Value: Continue to enhance the WDMA’s value proposition to grow membership with increased member participation and engagement.

Read the 2024 Year in Review here.

WDMA Member Logo Policy

The establishment of a uniform brand image amongst our members is a top priority. Having a broad recognition of the Window and Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA) is directly tied to our long term success. It is critical that our brand be ingrained in the mind of those in both the public and private sectors, ranging from congressional leaders, federal agencies, prospective members, consumers and distributors, related industry partners, and many more.

WDMA News Briefs

WDMA defines the standards of excellence in the residential and commercial window, door, and skylight industry and advances these standards among industry members. The WDMA update delivers business intelligence and association news to industry professionals every week.